Saturday, February 22, 2014

With only one week left before departure, many of our group members and fellow ABST participants gathered in the chapel on Thursday to celebrate community mass. In recognition of our upcoming journeys and UN Day for Social Justice, the petitions were read in English, French, and Spanish. One of our very own group members, Jenny, participated by reading in French! 

The take home message from the homily on Thursday was "Lose yourself in the love of God.” This is a broad phrase and I’m sure it impacted everyone in the congregation in a different way. We are always immersed in the love of God, even when we don’t necessarily recognize it or feel like we are. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is too easy to become indifferent to this fact. However, when leaving a place we are comfortable and setting off into the unknown, losing ourselves in the love of God is one way we can actually stay grounded. If we allow ourselves to be lost in the love of God, we rid ourselves of all preconceived fears and negative past experiences. We enter in to our trip as a clean slate, ready and eager to experience the unique culture and people of Haiti!

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