Saturday, March 7, 2015

L'Unité Fait La Force

The motto of Haiti translates to "Unity makes Strength." As we prepare for the ride to the airport, I have mixed emotions as I reflect on how these words on the Haitian flag have been evident in our short stay of one week.  First, the reality of life in Haiti hits hard:  a literacy rate of 50% and an unemployment rate of over 70%, and a history of a proud republic that has been at the mercy of other nations that have played a large part in preventing this nation from the journey of human development.  Second, the faith and deep spirit of the Haitian people who, while living to survive, have a heart for Bondie, for neighbor and for the land, which inspires hope and joy.  While politics and poverty may seem insurmountable, there is something deeper that will still abide.

We heaved witnessed this motto in a small, yet powerful, way in our own group who came together with generosity and patience to become enchanted and fall in love with the people and the land of Haiti.  I will be grateful for the honor to accompany these students and learn with them.

Fr. Michael Kesicki

Here are a few "parting shots"

Our leaders:  Patrice and Tyler.  Thank you for your preparation and steadfast commitment.

My co-accompanier Ann Bamberger.  Your wholehearted engagement in this week was a gift to us.

Linden, Patrice, Crissy, Kaylee, Nicole, Leanna and Tasha:  Thanks for your laughter, joy and compassion!

Tyler and Iziah:  thanks for your patience and steadiness

To all of the partners we met this week:  Mesi anpil!

And, of course, I-Sa-BELLE!  (Our faithful watchdog)


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